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Alaska weather map

Interior Alaska


(Spontaneous, diverse climate - winters can get as low as 60F below and summers as high as the 90's)

Fairbanks (*2)
Tok (*1)

South-Central / Gulf Region


(Generally the most mild climate in Alaska)

Anchorage (*3)
Homer (*4)
Kenai (*5)
Seward (*7)
Kodiak (*6)
Valdez (*8)

Southeast / Inside Passage

(Wet, wet, wet!!!  With rainforests and warm weather)

Juneau (*9)
Ketchikan (*10)
Wrangell (*11)

Northern Alaska

(Average winter lows are around 20F below and summers often get up towards 70F)

Utqiagvik (Barrow) (*12)
Kotzebue (*13)
Prudhoe Bay (*14)

Western Alaska
(Somewhat moderate, although WINDY! - Temperatures typically stay above zero)

Nome (*15)
Point Hope (*16)
Unalakleet (*17)

Southwest Alaska / Aleutian Islands

(Rainy, foggy & windy w/fairly consistent temperatures, staying mostly between 20-40F year-round)

Adak (*18)
St. George Island (*20)
Dillingham (*19)
Unalaska (*21)


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