What time zone is Alaska in?
Alaska is the northernmost & westernmost state in the U.S. !
Alaska is so big it has its own time zone! It even has a small part that stretches into another zone.
Alaska Time Zone (during Standard Time) is 9 hours off of Greenwich Mean Time
Alaska Time Zone (during Daylight Time) is 8 hours off of Greenwich Mean Time
Up until October of 1983, Alaska was separated into four time zones. It has since been two -- with the bulk of the state in the above mentioned Alaska Time Zone. The exception to this is the portion of Alaska's Aleutian Islands located west of 169° 30′ W longitude which fall under Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone . The main islands in this zone (from East to West) are Atka, Adak, and Attu. The Hawaii-Aleutian Time Zone is 10 hours off of Greenwich Mean Time and does not observe Daylight Savings Time.
To calculate Alaska Time from :
Eastern Time - subtract 4 hrs
Central Time - subtract 3 hrs
Mountain Time - subtract 2 hrs
Pacific Time - subtract 1 hr

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